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The fastest way to get the best price on home security.

Truesecurity helps you design a security system with expert advice, all while saving money.

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Flexible plans between
$19 - $64/month
Get Started
Save time and money
It’s hard to find the right security system.
So we made it easy.
No sales pitch
Tailored advice unique to you.
Without any fluff.
Customized system
Build a system that perfectly fits your home.
Transparent price
See how much you can save without commission sales.
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Only the best
Over 8 million homeowners trust ADT to help protect their home.
ADT is the #1 professional home security company in America.
Save your time and money
Are you tired of the status quo?
We are.
Telemarketing, poor information, and sales pitches waste time - today’s security experience is a pain.
You're going to like this
A better way to
design home security.
Gain a full understanding of your security.
Save money. No more commission sales!
Save time without scheduling appointments.
Done in 6 minutes
How it works
It's about you
Tell us about your
home and concerns.
Every home is unique.
Tailored advice for you
We give you security advice and recommendations
Custom advice for your unique home.
A transparent price
Boom. Quotes done.
It’s that simple. If you need any more help, professional security guides are always here to help.
New homeowners can save big with us.
ADT Monitoring is the #1 professinal home security company in America.
People love truesecurity
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Transparent prices.
No tricky upsells
Using truesecurity is free, and best of all we don’t have to pay commissions, so you can save more!

True Security, developed by Security Solutions ADT, Authorized Dealer
